Here is one more addition to my ‘lady in waiting’ – ‘romantic south asian figures’ series. The technique used is acrylic on acrylic wash and the concept is inspired from South Asia and Turkey. The orange and red stand stone comes from Mughal archicture in South Asia, the prussian and sky blue from Turkish culture and the lady’s dark raw umber skin tone, flowing dress with chiffon scarf and white mirrorred jewellery are inspired from Sindhi Culture ( Southern province of Pakistan). Here are the steps from which this painting came to life. 


Heavy water colour paper is stencilled with a number 4 HB pencil. The sketch must be detailed and dark to show through the next steps.


An acrylic wash in three contrasting colours is applied leaving spaces of white where the artist wants the central focal points to be.


The three colours used are mixed to create the tone for the outline in acrylic. This is a detailed process.


After hours and days of building on the shades and colours of the acrylic wash underneath, the artist can bring about a play of lights and details with the same three colours. Blue and orange are high contrast colours that are hard to work with, but using raw umber in between balances the painting. Lastly highlights in white create a romantic effect.